
Namaste and Welcome. This blog is an answer to a question. The more that I learn - the more that I want to share. This blog is for the sharing of information to help you with your journey towards home. Home - means God/Goddess, Heaven, Universal Consciousness, Oneness, or what ever is "right" for you. My hope - is that you will find within these pages, an idea - that will spark something within you. Intended to help your growth or generate conversation. Hopefully we will all grow in our knowledge and move closer to the source.

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Reading the Bible

Returning to the basic topic of the bible (Word of God) being written by holy men that were able to observe the Heavenly Realms --

If they wrote it in a spiritual manner - or beyond 3D - via symbols - that the average person might relate too -- then we must presume that the entire book(s) is written from a spiritual perspective.

That being the case -- then everything that is contained within the Word of God - is spiritual -- therefore it is not history, as everyone assumes.

If the Word of God is not history -- and contains spiritual knowledge -- this knowledge must then be a guide book.

All of the "names" of people and places - must have a different meaning - related to the spirit -- all of the "numbers" must represent something spiritual - the battles must be a "process" that a person goes through.

This short post - puts a whole new set of thoughts into motion -- I would appreciate your thoughts on this. You can the read here!

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